RWI Enhanced Evaporation Opens Full Time Midland Office
We are proud to share that RWI Enhanced Evaporation has officially opened Full Time Office in Midland, Texas!
Permian Basin E&Ps are becoming increasingly concerned about how to safely dispose of produced water. Liability concerns have seen more clients calling on RWI Enhanced Evaporation to mitigate the fault activation of injecting large volumes of water into saltwater disposal wells (SWDs). RWI’s carefully engineered, environmentally safe system can reduce SWD downhole volumes by up to 80 percent.
RWI has been helping Permian Basin producers since October of 2006. As the business grew, they needed a full-time presence there. The Midland office, now open, hosts several employees including those involved in sales, installation, and engineering services.
RWI Senior Vice President Bob Ballantyne said, “If you’re concerned about liability from increasing seismic activity associated with saltwater disposal wells and want to reduce volume and pressure in your disposal formation, call us. RWI’s evaporators can slash downhole volumes, mitigating pressure on downhole formations. We’re adding another Best Management Practice to solving problems associated with inducing seismic activity in previously inactive faults.”
“The longer you wait to reduce volumes and depressurize formations, the larger the liability risk.”
Look for an announcement from us about a lunch and learn this fall.
The new office is in the historic Petroleum Building at 214 W. Texas Avenue, Suite 1010. The phone number is 970-245-7104.
RWI’s leading products oil patch products are the Landshark and Apex 2.0. Unlike evaporators using slightly revamped snowmaker machines, Landshark and Apex 2.0 inject droplets into the middle of the flow, reducing droplet collisions. This more efficient process keeps particles above 75 microns. It eliminates “daughter” particles that float offsite, carrying contaminants to surrounding areas.
Also, instead of pumps, the PittBoss™ uses fans requiring only 5HP each Reducing power consumption by 35 HP per unit over traditional converted snow-making equipment. They float on the disposal pond surface, allowing concentrated drops to return to the water, reducing water volumes. Depending on water quality, volumes can be cut by up to 80 percent, reducing water hauled to SWDs and injected into increasingly pressurized formations.
About us: RWI is a wastewater specialist company, innovating energy-saving solutions for mildly-to-highly impacted wastewater streams. Formed in 2006 the company began using converted snowmaking equipment. In 2015 Senior Vice President Robert L. Ballantyne Jr. came on board to design a pollution plume-controlled evaporator.